Managed By:
Mr. Mian Mushtaq Ahmad - CEO
Y.O.E: 1995
Business Type: Services, Distributors
Specialization: Honda Faisalabad is a 3S – Sales, Spares & Service dealer of Honda Motorcycles established in Faisalabad since 1995. The Company also deals in 2nd hand Honda Motorcycle exchange and warranty claims. All models of Honda Motorcycles including Honda CD-70, Honda CD-70 Dream, Honda Pridor, Honda CG-125 and Honda CB-150 are available in stock.
Payment Options: Cash & Cheque
Atlas Honda Limited.
Parking Facility: Plenty of Street Parking is available
Business Hours:
Monday [10:30 am to 10 pm]
Tuesday [10:30 am to 10 pm]
Wednesday [10:30 am to 10 pm]
Thursday [10:30 am to 10 pm]
Saturday [10:30 am to 10 pm]
Sunday [10:30 am to 10 pm]