Managed By:
Mr. Arif Habib - Chairman
Mr. Kashif Mateen Ansari - CEO
Y.O.E: 2011
Business Type: Services
Specialization: Sachal Energy Development (Pvt) Ltd. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Arif Habib Corporation Limited and part of the Arif Habib Group. The Company owns and operates a 50 MW wind energy project at Jhimpir, Sindh. The Company has secured a power generation license from NEPRA and has also signed the Power Purchase Agreement with NTDC for the supply of renewable energy to the national grid for a period of 25 years. The Company head office is located in Islamabad.
Licensed by NEPRA.
Approved by Alternate Eenrgy Board.
Arif Habib Group.
Arif Habib Corporation Limited.
Parking Facility: In house Parking is available
Business Hours:
Monday [9 to 5]
Tuesday [9 to 5]
Wednesday [9 to 5]
Thursday [9 to 5]
Friday [9 to 5]
Saturday [9 to 5]