Managed By:
Mr. Amir Walliuddin Chishti - Chairman
Dr. Rashid Naseem Khan - Principal Medicine
Dr. Navid Rashid Qureshi - Principal Dentistry
Y.O.E: 2000
Business Type: Services
Recognized by Pakistan Medical & Dental Council.
Approved by College of Physicians & Surgeons.
Listed in WHO Directory of Medical Schools.
Recognized by Higher Education Commission.
Jinnah Sindh Medical University.
Qamar Dental Hospital.
Darul Sehat Hospital.
Pakistan Nursing & Midwifery Council.
Liaquat College of Nursing & Allied Health Sciences.
Parking Facility: In house Parking is available
Business Hours:
Monday [9 am to 3 pm]
Tuesday [9 am to 3 pm]
Wednesday [9 am to 3 pm]
Thursday [9 am to 3 pm]
Friday [9 am to 3 pm]
Saturday [9 am to 3 pm]