Managed By:
Mr. Ahmad Jawad Hashmi - Proprietor
Y.O.E: 2011
Business Type: Services
Specialization: Ample Accessibility, the successor business to Ample Soft, is a computer training company located in Lahore. The Company was established by Mr. Ahmad Jawad Hashmi and endeavors to offer high-quality IT training to individuals with visual impairments. The training programs cover a range of topics including MS Office, Website Development, Python Programming and Social Media Management. Although Ample Accessibility is not a non-profit organization and charges for its services, scholarships may be available for eligible students. Ample Accessibility is also involved in the customized manufacturing of assistive equipment.
Payment Options: Cash & Cheque
Parking Facility: Plenty of Street Parking is available
Business Hours:
Monday [9 to 5]
Tuesday [9 to 5]
Wednesday [9 to 5]
Thursday [9 to 5]
Friday [9 to 5]