The Park Lane Clinic

31-L, Gulberg II, Lahore.
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The Park Lane Clinic

31-L, Gulberg II, Lahore.
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Address :  31-L, Gulberg II, Lahore.
Landmarks :  Cafe Zouk, Doongi Ground, Jamia Masjid Gung Mahal
City / District :  Lahore
Phone: +92-42-35759327, 35874685
Mobile: 0333-4267865

Business Details

Managed By: Dr. Saad B. Malik - CEO
Y.O.E: 1995
Business Type: Services
Specialization: The Park Lane Clinic is a Lahore based psychiatric treatment clinic established since 1995. The Clinic offers comprehensive and professional treatment for psychiatric and psychological disorders such as depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive behavior, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, substance abuse, personality disorders, sexual disorder, eating disorder and marital problems. The Clinic also offers a ten bed inpatient care facility, outpatient diagnosis and treatment, day patient care and home services. The Clinic has a team of professional psychiatrists including Dr. Saad Malik, Dr. Ashar Waheed, Dr. Bushra Mubarik, Dr. Sumaira Bokhari and Dr. Ali Anjum. The Clinic is open Monday to Saturday from 10 am to 7 pm.
Payment Options: Cash Only
Parking Facility: Plenty of Street Parking is available
Business Hours: Monday [10 am to 7 pm]
Tuesday [10 am to 7 pm]
Wednesday [10 am to 7 pm]
Thursday [10 am to 7 pm]
Friday [10 am to 7 pm]
Saturday [10 am to 7 pm]