Five Star Impex

Basement # 1, Faisal Market, 3-Main Hall Road, Lahore, Pakistan.
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Five Star Impex

Basement # 1, Faisal Market, 3-Main Hall Road, Lahore, Pakistan.
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Company Network

Head Office
Address :  Basement # 1, Faisal Market, 3-Main Hall Road, Lahore, Pakistan.
Landmarks :  Faisal Market
City / District :  Lahore
:+92-42-37221475, 37244363 more
:+92-42-37221475, 37244363, 37358702
Fax: +92-42-37245475

Business Details

Managed By: Mr. Muhammad Nasrullah
Y.O.E: 1999
Business Hours: Monday - Saturday [11 am - 10 pm]