Online Directory of Pharmacies in Lahore providing list of names, contact numbers, addresses and reviews.
Drug Shop is a Lahore based pharmacy offering 100% original and guaranteed medicines and beauty and health products. Drug Shop deals in local and imported products such as baby formula milk, food and dietary supplements, fish oil and vitamins, herbal products, skin care beauty products, cosmetics, o...more
Servaid Pharmacy was established in 2005 to market and sell products from all leading national and multinational pharmaceutical companies. Servaid Pharmacy sources all products directly from the manufacturers which are then stored in a dedicated warehouse with cold-chain facilities. Servaid Pharmacy...more
Displaying listings from 1 to 10 of 76
Find Pharmacies in other cities of Pakistan >> Karachi, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Faisalabad, Abbottabad, Peshawar, Multan, Sahiwal, Okara,
Similar Categories to Pharmacies >> Thermometers, Surgical & Medical Disposables, Baby Formula Milk, Vitamins, Diapers, Baby Foods, Food & Dietary Supplements,
Although Phonebook neither promotes nor guarantee the quality of services of any particular Pharmacy, you can buy prescr- iption medication and drugs confidently from Pharmacies where prescriptions are handled and reviewed by qualified pharmacists thus minimizing drug related accidents due to wrong drug or dosage.
Before purchasing check whether the Pharmacy has a proper storage area for storing drugs as per specifications, especially temperature controlled drugs such as injections. You should also inquire whether the drugs are purchased from reliable sources and any screening process is in place to check the quality...more