Home Search by category Food & Beverages Desserts & Sweets Ice Cream & Frozen Desserts in Peshawar

Ice Cream & Frozen Desserts in Peshawar. (2 Result(s))

Locate and find Ice Cream & Frozen Desserts in Peshawar. Connect with Ice Cream & Frozen Desserts retailers and stockists. Compare price, read reviews and rate services.

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We Found 2 Companies
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Multiple Locations

Sweet Crème is an ice cream and frozen dessert shop established by Mr. Tanzeel Mumtaz in the year 2018. Sweet Crème offers a range of soft desserts on its menu including ice cream waffle cones and cups, chocolate fudge sundae, cookies, hot coffee, cappuccino and tea. Sweet Crème has outlets in Laho...more

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Multiple Locations

Mr. COD is a U.K based fast food take-away and restaurant chain known for its freshly prepared, original and delicious Fish & Chips. Apart from their signature Fish & Chips, Mr. COD has an extensive menu including pizzas, chicken burgers, chicken nuggets, chicken wings, chicken strips and shawarma s...more

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Ice Cream & Frozen Desserts in Peshawar.

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