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One of the leading and fastest growing worldwide banks in Pakistan, Standard Chartered has been doing business in the country since 1863 when it first established its operations in Karachi. The bank now retains a workforce of over 4000 people and a net...read more
ASA Microfinance Bank (Pakistan) Limited, is a wholly owned subsidiary of ASA International Holding, one of the worlds leading microfinance institution operating in 13 countries across Asia and Africa. The Bank was incorporated in Pakistan as an unlisted public company in the year 2008. The Bank off...more
LOLC Microfinance Bank, formerly Pak-Oman Microfinance Bank, was incorporated in Pakistan as a public limited company in the year 2006. In January 2022, LOLC Asia Private Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of LOLC Holdings PLC acquired 100% shares of the Bank and officially renamed it to LOLC Microf...more
PAIR Investment Company Limited – PICL, is a joint venture investment company established in the year 2007 through a collaboration between Governments of Pakistan and Iran. PICL is licensed by the State Bank of Pakistan as a development finance institution and is engaged in money market operations, ...more
Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Limited - ICBC is a Chinese commercial bank listed on both SSE and SEHK. Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Limited, Pakistan Operations began in the year 2011. The Bank offers deposit accounts, foreign currency deposit, forex exchange service, inward and out...more
Al Baraka Bank (Pakistan) Limited - ABPL is an Islamic commercial bank formed after the merger of Al Baraka Islamic Bank Pakistan, Al Baraka Islamic Bank and Bahrain & Emirates Global Islamic Bank Pakistan in the year 2010. In the year 2016 the operations of Burj Bank Limited were also merged into A...more
Bank of China – BOC, is China’s most diversified, multinational bank with over 100 years of legacy and operations in more than 50 countries of the world. Bank of China – Pakistan Operations started in 2017, with BOC opening its first branch in Karachi. BOC offers commercial and corporate banking pro...more
Displaying listings from 1 to 10 of 48
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