Fabric Shops in Pakistan.

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We Found 780 Companies
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T. Hayat is a fabric shop based in Karachi's Tariq Road commercial market area. T. Hayat offers exclusive fabrics for menswear such as boski, khaddar and Egyptian cotton. Also offering tailoring services for mens' shalwar kurta suits, wedding sherwani, waist coats and made to order formal shirts for...more

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Lawrencepur is a retail menswear fashion brand owned by SACH International (Pvt) Limited, a Dawood Hercules Group Company. Lawrencepur produces a variety of high-end fabrics such as Wool/Cashmere, Wool/Silk, Super 120's, Super 100's, Super 70's and Wool/Cotton and also offers a variety of ready to w...more

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Fabric Shops in Pakistan.

Displaying listings from 1 to 10 of 780